Executive MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics”

October 2022
Accueil » Programmes et Formations » Executive MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization « African Geopolitics »

What is an MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics”?

An MPA in Diplomacy and International Relations is a specialized education program at the bac+5 level that allows students to deepen their knowledge of the diplomatic, geopolitical and geostrategic stakes of the African continent, as well as the new forms of recomposition of the regional and sub-regional space. He is particularly interested in the development of the African Union and sub-regional organizations such as the Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

The in-depth African studies program provides instruction aimed at mastering the major geopolitical and geostrategic parameters and trends in the various subregions of the continent. It focuses on the different forms of regional integration, the strategies of the current great powers and relations with other continental groups.

The program is taught in French.

What are the reasons to do an MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics”?

  • Develop a thorough knowledge of the latest political, economic and strategic developments on the African continent
  • Know the mechanisms of regional integration, particularly through projects such as the Africa 2063 Agenda, the creation of the African Continental Free Trade Area, or the support to the African Standby Force
  • Study crises and conflicts, particularly in Central Africa, the Sahel and the Horn of Africa

Courses of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics

The program is taught in French.

Fundamental teachings

  • The changing African political landscape in the 21st century
  • Sub-regional geopolitical dynamics (West Africa, North Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa)
  • Regional integration strategies and the construction of the African Union
  • The African continent in the strategy of the great powers: from the European presence to the competition of emerging powers


  • Diplomatic and geopolitical studies
  • Research Methodology: It is dedicated to scientific research processes in the social sciences, in international relations, diplomacy and strategy in particular. It presents the methods used in the development of hypotheses and in the use of information or observation data. It specifically addresses the method of writing the dissertation.

The objectives of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics

To allow the audience to know the specificity of each geopolitical zone of the continent in terms of political experiences

Have expert knowledge of regional integration projects and peacekeeping mechanisms

Provide auditors with access to an extensive network of recognized experts

The course of the year of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics

The program consists of six months of teaching and specialized seminars and six months of research for the dissertation.

Courses are taught over an intensive week every two months and are available in person or by video conference.

The research paper of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics

The auditor completes the program with the writing and defense of a thesis of at least 50 pages under the supervision of a CEDS professor. The research paper represents the essential step of the training, insofar as it allows the student to deepen his or her understanding of a theme related to political dynamics, conflicts and regional integration in Africa or any other related theme of the student’s choice.

Prerequisites to apply to the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics

A Master’s degree is required, as well as four years of professional experience as a senior executive, diplomat or civil servant.

Access requirements for the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics

To enter the program, the auditor must complete an application.

The opportunities of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics

  • To become an expert advisor to private companies and public institutions established or wishing to develop relations with the countries of the African continent
  • To be a project manager in research centers specialized in geopolitics and African geostrategy
  • Participate in the efforts of UN or non-governmental organizations responsible for preventive diplomacy and crisis management on the continent

Tuition fees for the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics

YearTuition fees
MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics”9 500€

Practical information about the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics

Success rate

The success rate of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “African Geopolitics” is 77%.


All our speakers are lecturers or experts in their field.


Classes are held at :

10 Sextius Michel
75015 Paris


The premises are accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Our programs can be followed in person or by videoconference, at the choice of the listener.

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Mis à jour le 30 juin 2022