Executive MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy”

October 2022
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What is an MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy”?

An MPA Diplomacy and International Relations is a specialized education program at the level of bac+5 allowing to deepen one’s knowledge of new unconventional forms of diplomacy. These diplomacies can be initiated by states and include all strategies for promoting the image of a country. They very often come from non-official actors in order to contribute to the resolution of conflicts and to the rapprochement of public opinions.

Nowadays, conventional official diplomacy is challenged by alternative practices that are progressively embedded in official diplomatic missions and operated by new non-official actors. The objective of this program is to provide appropriate knowledge on alternative ways of practicing diplomacy through culture, science, and business from civil society.

The program is taught in English.

What are the reasons to do an MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy”?

The main motivation of a candidate to a program oriented towards “innovative diplomacy” is to get out of the traditional vision of diplomacy exercised by official representatives of governments and international organizations. By discovering other dimensions of diplomatic practice, other methods of action, the student becomes familiar with the multiplicity of levels of intervention, the complexity of new diplomatic issues and the variety of territories of application within societies.

Courses of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy

The program is taught in English.

Fundamental teachings

Economic actors and economic diplomacy

The course presents an in-depth analysis of the dynamics of economic diplomacy and how diplomats and state actors promote their own national enterprises. It studies the role of the main international economic actors.

Public diplomacy and soft power

The courses provide insight into how governments promote their own image around the world. They focus on the new dynamics at play in soft power, such as cultural and scientific diplomacy. It focuses on case studies on issues such as nation-branding, which is particularly discussed in American diplomatic academies.

Civil society and unofficial diplomacy

In many cases, official diplomacy, characterized as high-level diplomacy, conducted by officials mandated by their governments to defend tangible and immediate interests, can lead to a deadlock when a conflict is intractable.

For this reason, the course teaches another level of diplomacy, called track two: conducted by non-official actors, belonging mainly to civil society and organizations, they seek to influence the cultural, social and ideological environment of official diplomacy.


Alternative diplomacy and conflict resolution

The objective of this seminar is to develop an advanced analysis of how official diplomacy combines with unofficial diplomacy. It explains how businesses, civil society organizations and intellectuals can influence the geopolitical and diplomatic landscape. The workshop is based on concrete case studies.

Research Methodology

It is dedicated to scientific research processes in the social sciences, in international relations, diplomacy and strategy in particular. It presents the methods used in the development of hypotheses and in the use of information or observation data. It specifically addresses the method of writing the dissertation itself.

Studies on geopolitical zones

This workshop proposes a global approach to geopolitical areas through a multidisciplinary and multidimensional analysis that involves the geopolitics of conflicts and the geostrategy of the balance of forces.

The objectives of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy

To allow students to deepen their theoretical knowledge of unconventional diplomacy in terms of both its objectives and modes of action

Provide auditors with access to an extensive network of recognized experts

The course of the year of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy

The program runs for one year. The courses are adapted to the professional constraints of executives in terms of time volume and schedule.

The lessons are programmed on a weekly basis for four months, giving priority to two afternoons (Thursday and Friday, 3:30-8:30 p.m.) as much as possible, and spreading some courses over three intensive weeks

There will be two start dates: one in October and one in May.

The research paper of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy”.

The auditor completes the program with the writing and defense of a thesis of at least 50 pages under the supervision of a CEDS professor. The research dissertation is the essential step in the training program, insofar as it allows the student to study in depth a theme related to unconventional diplomacy, public diplomacy, scientific diplomacy, or any related theme of the student’s choice.

Prerequisites to apply for the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy

A Master’s level degree is required, as well as four years of professional experience as a senior manager.

Access requirements for the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy”.

To enter the program, the auditor must complete an application.

The opportunities of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy

The opportunities are more to be found in non-state actors and in particular in NGOs with an international dimension, such as the Center for Civilian in Conflict or Care, the National Endowment for Democracy.

It is also possible to participate in the studies of think tanks and conflict analysis centers such as the International Crisis Group.

But we can also advise public actors on the dynamics of parallel diplomacy.

Tuition fees for the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy

YearTuition fees
MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy”9 500€

Practical information about the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy

Success rate

The success rate of the MPA Diplomacy and International Relations specialization “Innovative Diplomacy” is 77%.


All our speakers are lecturers or experts in their field.


Classes are held at :

10 Sextius Michel
75015 Paris


The premises are accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Our programs can be followed in person or by videoconference, at the choice of the listener.

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Mis à jour le 30 juin 2022